Spotlight: Bruno Major

I got into Bruno Major around November/December of last year because I felt like his music had touched my soul like very few had recently. The first song I listened to was “Like Someone In Love”. The guitar was an instant hook into the next 2:20 minutes. Not only was the melody on point, but he managed to reflect and irradiate what I think sounds exactly like love. What I mean is, if you’ve ever been in love, this song is the representation of the way you feel and the peace that comes with it.

Even cooler is the fact that his album, “A Song For Every Moon”, was a project he carried out for a year, releasing a new song literally every new moon and pushing himself, as he stated in an interview with, to let go of his perfectionism to avoid crippling his creativity and to make better music without overthinking everything during the process.

Below you can listen to my favorite songs by him:

If you liked his stuff, you might want to listen to:

  • Fleetwood Mac
  • Masego
  • Easy Easy
  • Bob Dylan

In the words of Bruno, “just because it won’t come easily, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.”

Happy hearing  🤙

Antonella x

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