Mixtape: R E T R O P O P

Let me be honest here: this brought me SO down. Seriously. The feels, the nostalgia. I felt I was six and then 10 for a moment there and it just brought back some memories. But… that’s the whole point of this playlist, really. Let me be upfront though. I’m not a huge fan of A LOT of these. I never really went through the ‘NSYNC or Backstreet Boys phase… I did go through a major Christina Aguilera obsession, though (LOL). I was about three and my mom would tape her videos and concerts on the VHS for me to watch later, and I would stand in front of the TV ready to reenact her performances and sing all her hits off of her first, self-titled album which, of course, I had in Spanish back in 1999 (#feeloldyet?).

However, I also decided to include some artists that were a little “newer”, like Katy Perry, Rihanna, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens and, of course, the epitome of my childhood, Hannah Montana.

Now, this playlist is just like a protein shake. You might want to drink it fast and wash it away with a lot of water. But, every now and then, its good to have whenever you want to revisit those days :’).

Happy retro-listening,


Antonella x

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