Some Thoughts On This Class

I didn’t know what to expect coming into a new semester and this class, which would actually be the first production class I’d ever taken in my life. One of my best friends, Barbara, recommended that I take it with Prof. Sandhouse and that I’d have to work hard but I’d learn a lot from this experience. And I did. Honestly, I really enjoyed this class and I looked forward to the projects that were assigned. I loved that the class was extremely hands-on and practical. There was theory, but just the right amount plus information that was actually valuable to me and my professional career.

I’m thankful that I’ve learned some of the basics of Adobe Photoshop and Premiere, which I think are musts in our profession and especially this digital age. Although the workload may seem overwhelming towards the end of the semester, I think that all of the projects were necessary and important. The “Pan and Tilt” was great to get more comfortable with the camera and smooth movements, plus working in front of the camera and preparing you for rookie mistakes during the “Feature Project”. I really like editing things, so I was motivated to work on all of the final projects.

Also, this blog allowed me to learn the responsibility of having one, creating content and posting regularly. I think it’s also a great way to expose our works to external sources and, in that way, creating potential opportunities for us.

I leave you with the Chroma Key I did + the Feature Project Jose Acosta and I produced and edited for the class.

Thank you Professor Sandhouse for a great semester!

Antonella  xx

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