25 Things

  1. I was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela but moved to Miami when I was 18. It’s been hard to leave everything behind, but I’m thankful every day for the opportunity I’ve been given.

2. I listen to music all the time. My favorite genres are rock, blues, reggae, pop and alternative, but I enjoy a little bit of everything.

3. I have played the piano since I was four years old. It’s a good way to relieve stress.

4. I am a die-hard Coldplay fan. My brother and I flew to San Francisco overnight just to see them in concert in 2016. I saw them play live again with my mom in Miami in 2017.

5. My friends call me their human Shazam because I know a lot of songs.

6. I believe in the supernatural.

7. Thank God for GPS. My sense of direction sucks.

8. I consider playlists to be the modern mixtapes. I make one for every month.

9. I love rollercoasters. The faster and higher, the better.

10. Up until now, I have never fractured any of my bones (*knock on wood*).

11. If I could only ever eat one food for the rest of my life it would be sushi. It’s that good.

12. I think it helps to visualize things.

13. I love polaroids. I think they can capture the essence of an instant.


14. I can’t stand it when people chew loudly and with their mouths open. It’s rude. Don’t do it.

15. I take secrets to the grave and my friends know it.

16. Don’t try to make me watch a horror movie. Chances are I won’t. If I do end up watching it, just know that I won’t be able to sleep for the next month.

17. I tend to run away from confrontation.

18. I’m always late. Everybody knows it. I’ve tried, but I can’t shake the bad habit.

19. I am obsessed with shopping. It’s a problem.

20. I love musicals. My favorites are Les Misérables, the Phantom of the Opera, Grease, Moulin Rouge! and Across the Universe. I also recently added La La Land to that list.

21. I believe in spreading positivity and good vibes. ✌️☮️🌈☯️

22. I like taking pictures of others, but I hate having my picture taken.

23. I hate scents like eucalyptus, cinnamon or candy apple.

24. When I was little, I thought I could fly like Superman so I jumped from the ceiling of my house and landed flat on the ground. My parents rushed me to the ER even though I was fine. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

25. My life motto is “Fake it till you make it”. I live by it.