10 Songs from the 70’s You Should Know

In absolutely NO way is this list comprehensive of the astounding dimensionality and wonder that was the 70's decade. It doesn’t even begin to brush up on the wonders of disco music (which, yes, I love). This was a good decade for music. Honestly, for me, the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s were golden years for …

10 Newly Released Songs You Should Know

Fresh finds, but like freshest of the fresh. These have literally just come out of the oven and made their way to your plate. Here they are so you can eat them – I mean listen to them. https://open.spotify.com/user/anisbopo/playlist/03KuQL1DLliitaz5OZ47HU?si=F59qD_A3TaOVZqfJze7GEw The first one, and I must talk about this one in particular, is among the top …