Some Thoughts On This Class

I didn’t know what to expect coming into a new semester and this class, which would actually be the first production class I’d ever taken in my life. One of my best friends, Barbara, recommended that I take it with Prof. Sandhouse and that I’d have to work hard but I’d learn a lot from …

Some Thoughts on… Coachella

Yes, that's right. It's that time of the year again… Coachella is back and that means your Instagram feed filling up with pictures of celebrities and anyone who’s anyone with flawless looks and skin that glows. But let’s not focus on that. Let’s talk about the music. First of all, I think Coachella is a …

Some Thoughts on Finding Music Organically – Not Algorithmically

Recently I stumbled upon "In 2018, I Want to Find New Music Without Using Algorithms", an article that spoke about finding new music in the age of AI. I thought it was interesting, from a personal point of view, because I take pride in discovering new songs on my own (it’s an unreasonable obsession…) but …